Move-Sulfaquinoxaline 25%

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Name : Move-Sulfaquinoxaline 25%

Category : Veterinary drugs

Sub Category : Anticoccidial

Strong and safe Anti-Coccidial Oral Solution

Move-Sulfaquinoxaline 25% Strong and safe Anti-Coccidial

Oral Solution

COMPOSITION: Each 1 ml contain :

Sulfaquinoxaline Sodium                             250 mg


PACKAGING:  100 ml


used for treatment and prevention of cecal and intestinal coccidiosis, besides it activity against bacterial infection in poultry ,rabbits and large animals .


Animals and poultry's meat should not be used for human consumption during treatment and within 5 days from the last treatment.

- In layers: treatment should be stopped at least 28 days before egg production


STORAGE: Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30°)


Poultry, turkey and game birds  :

-Treatment: 2 ml / 1 Lt of drinking water daily for 7 days.

-Prevention: 0.5 ml / 1 Lt of drinking water daily for 8 weeks.

Rabbits :

-Treatment : 4 ml /1 Lt of drinking water daily for 7 days .

-Prevention : 1 ml / 1 Lt of drinking water continuously  .

Large animals ( Cattle, sheep and goat ):

-Prevention :  5.2 ml / 100kg body weight in drinking water daily for 7 days .

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