Betadern C - Powder

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Name : Betadern C - Powder

Category : Feed additives

Sub Category : Feed additives

Mentholated Water Soluble Powder which relieves heat stress symptoms in birds

Water Soluble Powder

Relieves symptoms of heat stress and promotes health and productivity

Prevent kidney and liver damage

Increases weight and reduces death


Each 1 Kg contain :

Betaine…………………………………… 300 gm

Vitamin C …………………………………150 gm

Potassium chloride……………………....... 6 gm

Magnesium chloride  ………………....……5 gm

Menthol and Sweeteners q.s up to 1000 gm


500 gm


- Mentholated Soluble Powder in drinking water which relieves symptoms of heat stress in birds, thus reducing the mortality and productivity losses associated with thus condition.

- Routine administration in broiler /layer/breeder flocks prevents heat stress and enhances health and productivity.

- Rehydrates animals and reduces wet droppings.

- Betaine activity reduces fatty liver and enhances metabolism.

- Vitamin C reduces circulating Corticosterone, thus lowers stress level.

- Gives sensation of freshness, soothing the animal

- Menthol and sweeteners improve palatability.

- Easy to prepare and quick-dissolving powder.

- Improves Feed Conversion Ratio by 14% and reduces mortality

-  Higher body weight, better meat yield and lower mortality rate.

- In layers and breeders it improves fertility, egg production, egg size and egg shell quality.




Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30°).


1 gm/ 1 Lt drinking water for 3-5 days

In severe cases, 2 g per liter of drinking water for 12 days

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